Friday Finds – Plan to be Spontaneous

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The Super Bowl is always a time of great excitement for anyone in the advertising industry.

The phenomenon of the ‘second screen’, as we all sit around and play armchair quarterback in real time as the ads run, has become a tradition for all viewers, not just marketers.

And, of course, those ads spawn countless blog posts the following week; we even got into the navel gazing here at ArCompany.

One particularly interesting assessment of social media’s impact on Super Bowl marketing is highlighted in a Forbes interview with Robin Carey of Social Media Today.

From my perspective, Robin was 100% on target with every answer she gave.  She rightly points out that the nimble agencies can not only garner a lot of attention during the game, but for the week following in all sorts of publications, not just blogs.

In the past week I have had many discussions with marketers and tech people who resist the idea that social has to be a part of smart, well planned campaigns.

Of course no one has to use social, but spending $4 million on a 30 second ad and then not extending it via the much less expensive social channels seems inane to me.

Here is Robin’s answer when asked if Ads will now be dialogue rather than static:

“The brands which react the best and fastest will trump those that, for example, spent $15M on a passive, static message.”

My very favorite piece of advice for ‘marketers of tomorrow?”

“Plan to be spontaneous.”

That statement has rung in my ears all week.  Spontaneity is key, but so is planning.  I can just imagine the PR debacles that may occur without it.

It’s an exciting time in marketing, and the fast paced, creative and responsive companies have much to gain.

If you can’t embrace the new opportunities… well, I’m afraid you’ll be left behind.

0 thoughts on “Friday Finds – Plan to be Spontaneous

  1. […] “Be prepared to be spontaneous” rears its head again. The pace of marketing has changed; it’s undeniable. If you aren’t prepared to speed up the pace with which you handle social marketing in particular, you will have issues. […]

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