This week’s find is a slide show by W + K Amsterdam, and it has me so riveted that I’ve read the entire 110 slide piece 5 times. I do not recommend that YOU make 110 slide presentations, but when you view this one you’ll understand why it is so long.
ArCompany was founded to be a different type of company; we live and breath social, and we have profound faith in its potential. But we also aim to cut through the BS espoused by the Social Media ‘gurus, ninjas and experts’ that fill your streams.
We believe that social business is essential in a well rounded marketing strategy, but we are leery of buzz words and fairy tales. There is no magic elixir with which companies can replace brilliant marketing.
That is why this slideshow was such a ‘wow’ moment for me. Go ahead and view it yourself, but here are the takeaways that should stop you in your tracks:
- – .5% of fans on Facebook are talking about a brand. Yes – point as in .5%, not five percent;
- – 50% of the knowledge about a brand is held by 20% of the people; most people don’t care about your brand;
- – The #1 reason people connect with a brand on social sites is for a discount.
The developers of this slideshow are spot on with their stance that Brand Relationships are nothing like Human Relationships. Indifference is what you’re fighting, and the only way to win that battle is through great creativity.
I hope you find this as useful as I do.
VP of Content & Strategy at ArCompany. She has an extensive background in Sales, and focuses on generational marketing and content. With Hessie Jones she founded ArCompany’s Millnnnial, GenX and Boomer Think Tanks and writes and speaks on those topics from an insights/strategy perspective.
“Overcome indifference” and “ordinary, awful, awesome, everyday life” indeed!!!!! Cheers! Kaarina
Love it Amy. I’m so on board with this. I’ve always been a big fan of process — on the agency side I was always harping on this — repeatable business process. On the inhouse side too — merge it, make it a process, measure, improve.
The trouble is we’ve tapped it out. EdCals are based on key words and not ideas. Key words are what people are looking for today, but may not be what they are looking for tomorrow. The way to break through is the art of creativity.
I’m not suggesting jettisoning process, but upping the creativity. Take a risk. Can the canned language and write from the heart.
Frank_Strong Thanks for your input Frank. I guess what should give us confidence that, as fast as the social space and technology changes, good business principles and creativity are at the heart of great marketing. Great writing is priceless, or at least ultra important, and so is the ability to tell a visual story. THIS is why I have profound respect for artists, and not so much for social ninjas.
Thanks to you all for sharing, and go get this Monday @KDillabough @ThinDifference @kmueller62 @CraigMcBreen @jkcallas @profkrg @bdorman264
@AmyMccTobin @ThinDifference @kmueller62 @CraigMcBreen @jkcallas @profkrg @bdorman264 I’m goin’ and gettin’ 🙂
@paulbiedermann Cheers Paul, hope you had a great weekend!
@ryanleecox Morning Ryan.
@AmyMccTobin Good Morning Amy. Any big plans today? How’s @ArCIntel coming along?
@Bill_Simmel @ArCIntel Bill, you have found the best post of 2013 –
@ElaineJoli Why M’Lady, thank you, I sincerely thought you are the best find in 2013 :))
@Bill_Simmel You may be thinking of the 2012 model.
@ElaineJoli Maybe!! Either model is a classic 🙂
@Bill_Simmel LMAO
@ElaineJoli Fine Lines, Exquisite Detail, and an Engine That Purrs, Yes that a classic 🙂
@Bill_Simmel I like your thinkin’
@ElaineJoli Thanks for the retweet!
@dbvickery Yes, I loved that one Brian.
PaulBiedermann You love that one, don’t you? 😉