Social Justice: Simply Straws is Simply Brilliant

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As the mother of a 6 year old that is always on the go (read that as always spilling her drink if it doesn’t have a top screwed on) Simply Straws caught my attention as I surfed through the B Corporation website.   In my home we are eco-conscious to a degree. We recycle and we reuse.  We try to avoid saran wrap and aluminum foil in place of reusable containers.  We don’t run the tap excessively.

I had never stopped to consider how many straws we go through.  And then I read about Simply Straws and discovered that 500 million straws are used and disposed of each day in the US

Simply Straws is Impossible not to Fall For

Simply Straw Amber

Amber Straw

In 2011 Cyndi Sladic founded Simply Straws after a long career as a Dental Hygenist.  In recommending that her patients protect their teeth from the damage that acidic drinks do, straws were a regular part of the conversation she had with patients.  However, Sladic is also an environmentally aware person, and said she

 … felt compelled to provide a product for my patients that was safe for them and the environment,”

With her husband Steve, daughter Chanelle and son Trent, the family founded Simply Straws.  Their commitment to Social Responsibility is clear:

Together we have collaborated to form “Simply Straws”, where we have consciously chosen to care.  Our products are reusable, sustainable, durable, biodegradable and handmade with intention in USA. Our colors are non-toxic, our materials bpa free, our sleeves made from fair-trade, organic hemp, flax, and cotton. Our web hosting and printing powered by eco energy, we use non-toxic dyes and fsc certified 100% post consumer recycled paper for business material.  All packaging is compostable.

Simply Straws: The Product

Each Simply Straw is handmade in California from Borosiliate Glass, which is resistant to thermal shock and stress.  Unlike many plastic straws, the glass straws are BPA free.  They can be used with hot or cold liquids (and yes, they do sweat if the liquid is exceedingly cold).  And of course they can be cleaned and reused.

But that’s the boring part.  The exciting part is that they are BEAUTIFUL.

The straws come in clear and a variety of colors, and they can be purchased straight or bent.  The company  also offers a cleaning brush and a variety of covers to store your straw(s).   You can take one with you so you never need to use a disposable straw again.

For a special event, you can have the straws etched with an initial or design, and they can also be co-branded.

As an additional gorgeous product, Simply Straws also offers Mason Jar Mugs.

Straws 4 a Cause

Of course we are not surprised that a company founded on a mission to make a difference in the environment would have a social cause sector to their business, but it is still inspiring to discover.  Simply Straws lists 6 partners,Simply Straws Etched including One Percent for the Planet, a foundation of businesses that give 1% of their profits back to non profits.  They also state the following:

“Straws for a Cause” is a campaign we have adopted to support our partners, who up hold this ideal. The partners (non-profits) whom we have been fortunate to support and collaborate with are engaged in activating and educating the public on the hazard of Plastic in our world. Our goal is to build on these relationships, work closely on projects creating awareness about sustainability, our health and our environment, and in addition provide the needed support to continue their vision.

Simply Straws Social Media

It was refreshing to see that the company has an active and engaged blog that has everything to do with the issues that their community cares about, although it’s not an obvious  find since it’s under the ‘Culture’ tab on their website.

The Simply Straws Facebook Page is also active, with plenty of posts from their fans showing their products in use. They are using Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and a bunch other social sites, and in fact have an entire drop down on their website menu under #simplystraws with links to all of them.

Someone at the company obviously understands that social media is important, but also that the networks should be used as channels BACK to their own real estate: their website.

A Purpose Driven Company

I’ve mentioned before in this series about how the hopelessness I have felt over the political incivility in the US has been buoyed by my work here discovering companies that are focused on making a change in not only our society, but our world.  Simply Straws is one of those companies – not as well known as some; in fact, I am surprised at how little earned press they’ve had.  I hope this post can help change that and bring attention to this product.

Simply Straws is not a client of ArCompany, but I encourage all of you to check out their wonderful products.  As Gen X and Millennials are building and driving entrepreneurial  businesses we are seeing more and more B Corporations make an impact on how we consume; all we the consumer have to do is educate ourselves on the products available and their impact on our society and environment, and then decide to spend our money more consciously.

6 thoughts on “Social Justice: Simply Straws is Simply Brilliant

  1. Brandsojustice says:

    AmyMccTobin so great! Will be adding to my list as we are a straw fam! Love the enviro/health impact & wondered if all knew smiles4people

  2. AmyMccTobin says:

    Soulati Thanks Jayme! It’s been forever since we connected and I have a question for you. DM-ing.

  3. AmyMccTobin says:

    MasqCrew2 Thx for the share!

  4. AmyMccTobin says:

    RenildeDeWit Thx for the share – so glad to find this amazing company

  5. Soulati says:

    AmyMccTobin Happy New Year, Amy! I sorta took the 2 weeks off; longest days of my life (working in house on kidlet’s room, cleaning for BD)

  6. hessiejones says:

    kmueller62 thanks Ken!

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