The Future of Visual Content at #contentjam

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Chicago Skyline in Winter

Chicago Skyline in Winter

Content Jam is a one day convention specializing in all aspects of content marketing; Creation, SEO, Analytics, Measurement, Promotion, and Conversion. ArCompany’s own Joe Cardillo will be giving a presentation Thursday at 1pm titled “Visual Content That People Actually Want.”

In his presentation Joe Cardillo will cover the worst of visual content on the web and how to raise or standards.

Visual Content That People Actually Want

Joe sent me this summary of his presentation.

Whether you’re an established brand or just getting off the ground, you’re probably hearing how important visuals are. We’re constantly told things like “photos get more engagement”, and that more visuals make everything better.

But the web is rapidly filling with junk content, and the boring, problematic 500 word blog post titled “5 Things Lady Gaga Can Teach You About Marketing” is coming to visual content, too. When that happens you’ll need more than a pile of shiny objects to get people to pay attention to what you do.

In this session we’ll take a rapid fire look at dozens of examples of visual content – including stock photos, infographics, web design, presentations, and social channels. We’ll talk openly and honestly about what’s working and what’s not.

Note: This session may contain strong language. We’ll give you an email address at the start to send in examples from your brand, if you choose to do so please be prepared for both brutal honesty and constructive advice

Meet ArCompany at Content Jam

Amy Tobin, Hessie Jones and Joe Cardillo will be attending Content Jam. While I am not attending this year, I hope to make it out in the future. As ArCompany grows there will be more opportunities to mix and mingle with our peers. We are grateful for our friends in the industry who have always supported us. I pass on my good feelings not just to my co-workers, but all those attending the event.

Amy shares some words with us about Content Jam

Amy Tobin

I’m looking forward to hearing Joe Cardillo and Gini speak of course, but mostly I’m looking forward to hearing what some prominent marketing minds thing the future of Content is. The term ‘content’ has become so overhyped, and the reality is that there is just SO MUCH of it out there, flying by our social media field of vision, what separates the wheat from the chafe? How does good content stand out? How do you measure its impact without falling for the number of shares it has?

How do vehicles like Triberr muddy the perception of how important certain pieces of content are?

Are you attending Content Jam?

If you are attending Content Jam leave us a comment below. Let us know if you would like to meet up with Hessie, Amy, or Joe.

What are you most looking forward to at the convention?

0 thoughts on “The Future of Visual Content at #contentjam

  1. AmyMccTobin says:

    iannarino Are you trying to pay me back? Because you have a LONG way to go 😉

  2. iannarino says:

    AmyMccTobin $746,000.03?

  3. AmyMccTobin says:

    iannarino Dude, I’m at $786,000.08

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