Social Good and Corporate Transparency

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At ArCompany, we have never shied away from topics of social justice, social good, and corporate transparency. Social media has allowed for a more transparent world. We are living in a a time where businesses are being held accountable for their decisions in the court of public opinion.

This is something we are keenly aware of at ArCompany. The following lists include some of the most relevant posts on social good and social justice written by the staff over the past few years.

7 Discussions on Social Good and Corporate Responsiblity

Social Justice: Why All the Fuss About Businesses Being Socially Responsible? – A discussion of the history and rise of the B Corporation. There is a class of for profit business which is committed to social responsibility and transparency.Their performance is judged not on profit, but how well they have met their goals of benefiting the social good.

Social Justice: Tiny Spark – Investigating Social Responsibility – How do we ask the right questions about social justice? Why do seemingly good ideas fail? We investigate the answers to those questions.

Social Justice: 10 Special Companies Doing Loads of Social Good– A list of 10 companies committed to the social good. It will restore your faith in people and warm your heart during these dark times. Spread the good cheer this holiday season.

Millennial Think Tank: Socialpreneurship and Social Impact – The Millennial Think Tank panel weighs in on social responsibility. What should corporations be held responsible for?

Millennial Think Tank: Do Brand Ethics Affect their Purchasing Decisions? – You may be surprised about the answer to this question. It is clear that ethics are important to the purchase decisions our panel makes, but there are other factors under consideration.This topic is much more complex than a yes or no.

Social Justice: Warby Parker, Clever Marketing, and the Power of Doing Good – A dissection of Warby Parker’s marketing and causes.

Social Justice: League Collegiate Outfitters – the Gold Standard of the Apparel Industry – Full disclosure, League is a client of ours. I have so much respect for them and the brand they have built. They are a company which has changed the lives of employees by digging into their own pockets to provide for their well-being. Meanwhile they make some dang comfortable and  fashionable clothes for college students too!

League Workers LCA

photo credit: via photopin cc

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