Archive : Author

PR: An Essential Component of Your Social Media Strategy

POSTED ON March 7th  - POSTED IN Customer at the Core

When a company begins planning their strategy for social marketing, one of the first emotions we deal with is fear. This is in no small part due to the fear mongering that is rife in the social space; much of it stirred up by ‘experts’ who want to scare you into thinking you are taking […]

Friday Finds: The Internet of Everything

POSTED ON February 22nd  - POSTED IN Insights

This week Dave Evans of Cisco Systems caught our attention with this video about what comes next in the evolution of the Internet. His main point? If we’re IN Web 2.0 right now, what happens when we get to the next chapter? He describes a world where people, processes, data and things are all interconnected, […]

Fast Paced Marketing: The New Reality

POSTED ON February 21st  - POSTED IN Context

As I sat down to write this post, the social channels were all abuzz about the Burger King Twitter hacking that occurred Monday morning. If you were under a rock, or on a plane like I was, here’s the basic story: Someone hacked into the Twitter account and stated that McDonald’s had bought BK out […]

Friday Finds – Plan to be Spontaneous

POSTED ON February 8th  - POSTED IN Insights

The Super Bowl is always a time of great excitement for anyone in the advertising industry. The phenomenon of the ‘second screen’, as we all sit around and play armchair quarterback in real time as the ads run, has become a tradition for all viewers, not just marketers. And, of course, those ads spawn countless […]

Super Bowl Ads: Oreo’s Touchdown & The Taco Bell Fumble

POSTED ON February 5th  - POSTED IN Context

As anyone not living under a rock knows, this past Sunday was Super Bowl night, the highest rated television viewing in the US, and the commercials are as important as the game. Considering that a 30 second ad runs $4 million in 2013, it’s a high stakes game for advertisers. As a marketer, it’s probable […]