The Challenges Facing Local and Global CMOs in 2013
As digital and mobile channels continue to pervade ever deeper into today’s business landscape, the challenges facing organizations and their key personnel grows with it. Whereas before, we could create a message and hammer it home to our audiences until it was accepted, now there are multiple channels, factors, disruptors and more that make marketing […]
The Story ArC So Far
I still can’t believe we’re well on our way. By the way, the pic above says it all. As excited and as happy as we are about this new venture, it is still wrought with a lot of anxiety, doubt and re-thinking: strategy, positioning, messaging. It’s ALL good and this is the way we grow. […]
Global Survey Shows Influence Marketing Seen as Lead Generation Tool, Not a Branding Exercise
Mention “influence marketing” today and it’s a good bet that the majority of people will think of social scoring platforms like Klout, Kred and PeerIndex. These early movers in the influence space have carved a niche for themselves and the brands they’re looking to work with, by attempting to provide data on who the most […]
Friday Finds (Sunday Edition) – Creativity: The Only Weapon Against Indifference
This week’s find is a slide show by W + K Amsterdam, and it has me so riveted that I’ve read the entire 110 slide piece 5 times. I do not recommend that YOU make 110 slide presentations, but when you view this one you’ll understand why it is so long. ArCompany was founded to […]
Friday Finds: The Internet of Everything
This week Dave Evans of Cisco Systems caught our attention with this video about what comes next in the evolution of the Internet. His main point? If we’re IN Web 2.0 right now, what happens when we get to the next chapter? He describes a world where people, processes, data and things are all interconnected, […]
Friday Finds – Plan to be Spontaneous
The Super Bowl is always a time of great excitement for anyone in the advertising industry. The phenomenon of the ‘second screen’, as we all sit around and play armchair quarterback in real time as the ads run, has become a tradition for all viewers, not just marketers. And, of course, those ads spawn countless […]
Welcome to ArCompany
Almost four months ago, I came to a cross-roads in my career. Having just left yet another start-up that had tons of promise but eventually began to show signs of waning, it was pretty evident that the frustration I had encountered in the last 7 years in the social media business was coming to a […]