A Letter to the Next Generation: Life is the Ultimate Apprenticeship
As a professional coach, my job is to ask my clients questions rather than give advice. Coaching is based on the belief that every person is creative, whole and resourceful. I’m a GenXer and I know that’s all true. So what I offer is some of the wisdom I’ve learned that may be helpful. You […]
A Letter to the Next Generation (or Two): Six Lessons That Will Change Your Life
When I was young(er), there existed a mechanism for what I’m about to tell you. Had you been born any time prior to that which you were, it’s likely that like me, you would have experienced it first-hand. It was called mentorship. You of course have heard of this mechanism, and perhaps think that you’ve […]
A Letter to the Next Generation: Millennials, Dream Big but Keep Moving!
If there’s one thing I learned from our Think Tank Series: There is this manufactured divide that prevails between generations. The Media and the Marketing industries continue to perpetuate the differences but do not pay attention to the commonalities that binds the ages: in career, in technology consumption, in relationships and in life experience, in general. […]
GenX Think Tank: the Value of Mentorship Today
A short history lesson: Mentorship began centuries ago, starting with the concept known as Apprenticeship. In Medieval England as well as in Ancient Rome there was a persistence and commitment to ensure that a skilled craft is honed and perpetuated over time. The Industrial Revolution morphed this idea of on the job apprenticeships as companies spent […]
GenX Think Tank: Employee Loyalty
Generation X has been fortunate to cross the chasm from the traditional view of work and careers to the quickly evolving workplace. It has come at a cost. This generation has learned to adjust, having graduated during the recession and experiencing multiple economic downturns within their lifetime. The introduction of technology during their early careers […]
GenX Think Tank: What Makes a Productive Workplace
On our Think Tanks this month we are tackling the components of a productive, happy workplace. We are looking at the topic from each generation’s viewpoint in order to measure what challenges still exist and how to optimize your work environment. Our Boomer Think Tank and Millennial Think Tanks have weighed in; now we hear from GenX. Before […]
GenX Think Tank: Ageism, Racism and Sexism in the Workplace
On our Think Tanks this month we are tackling HR Challenges, in particular: ageism, sexism, racism, and their impact on the workplace. We are looking at the topic from each generation’s viewpoint in order to measure how much progress has been made, and what challenges still exist. Our Boomer Think Tank weighed in, as did our Millennial Think […]
Generation X With a Millennial Mindset: I Want It All (For All of Us)
I’m a proud member of GenerationX. I would never disavow my status as such, even when we collectively come under fire from other generations. Though we can no more be considered identical than any other cluster of people (genders, races, etc.), I choose to identify with the stereotypes about us that I feel are positive […]
Why Should the Millennial Mindset Matter?
I hear it everyday: countless peers talking about The Millennial Mindset it as if were a ‘thing’ – a prevailing view that transcends generations. When I started recruiting for The GenX Think Tank, some were hesitant to join because they could not necessarily identify themselves as GenX. I questioned whether the Millennial Mindset was a myth. Since we […]
GenX Think Tank: Fueling Capitalism and Connections in the Collaborative Economy
There is a powerful cultural force that continues is shaping the way we consume and behave; it didn’t come into existence overnight. The Collaborative Economy was born with the start of the Internet, and has grown and impacted the economy as it builds in strength. Forbes reported in October 2013: The revenue flowing through the […]