Generation X Think Tank Ladies: Finance – Spending and Saving
During the GenXTT hangout on Finance and Spending, the viewpoints expressed were primarily from a male perspective. This time the ladies take center stage. It was important for us to get this viewpoint because of the diverse roles women have as caregivers, income earners and household decision makers. Our goal was to explore any differences in attitudes and […]
GenX Think Tank: Volunteerism and Philanthropy
Times are a-changin’ with volunteerism and civic engagement and non-profit organizations serious about succession planning have to pay attention to the shifting sands of volunteer recruitment, particularly when it comes to GenXers. To really understand what motivates GenXers to wave the flag for a cause or launch projects and intiatives with measurable, visible impact in […]
GenX Think Tank Gentlemen: Spending and Investment Habits
This week our GenX Think Tank focused on spending and investment habits, and in our research we noted that studies show that compared to Boomers, GenXers tend to be more nimble in the economy. They are more educated, more entrepreneurial and have more women in the workforce. Nimble as they are, GenX was really hit […]
GenX Think Tank: Social Media’s Impact on Relationships
For businesses and brands, social media has been instrumental in connecting with audiences, building brand awareness and encouraging customer loyalty. Those use-cases have been well documented, but what about the impact of social media on personal relationships — specifically when one person in a committed relationship is much more active on social networks than the […]
GenX Think Tank: Reinvention
One of the most persistent stereotypes levied at GenX’ers (well, past that whole “we’re slackers” bit) is that we are fearful (and resistant) to change, although change has often been unceremoniously thrust upon us. Shifting economic climates, a “downsizing” or a crisis of character have all forced GenXers to pivot, tweak or wholly transform, but […]
Gen X: Digital Parenting – The First Hi-Tech Parents
What happens when latchkey kids grow up to become Gen X parents? How do we parent our kids, the generation Z? How many devices do we have in our household? How much screen time is there? Do we encourage it? Do we curb it? After all, Gen X parents value tech in their lives but […]
Generation X Think Tank: The Economy and its Impact on Jobs and Outlook
GenX graduated from college and faced an economy that brought with it a brutal reality. The expectations of awesome career opportunities and financial stability were ripped away as we experienced one economic downturn after another.The economy continues to impact our careers today. How has GenX coped with this? How has it impacted their outlook? In our […]
Gen X Think Tank: It’s All About Privacy
In our second installment of the #GenXTT I was excited to bring a bunch of smart GenXers together to espouse their views on privacy. After the Millennial Think Tank Session on Privacy, I wanted to determine if there were differences in perception about Privacy among GenXers, especially given the increasing influence of technology. This session […]
Gen X Think Tank: The (First) One About Generational Stereotypes
In the photo are something called record albums, boys and girls. When we had these, they weren’t retro. They were what we had before cassettes and CDs. Always better than 8-tracks, though. For our inaugural Gen X Think Tank, we discussed generational stereotypes – those about our generation in particular. We had an eclectic group […]