A Revealing Look at the Impact of Silos
For years I worked in siloed environments. I’m sure we all have. But back then, I’m not sure we really knew what “silo” meant. We do now. I looked up this definition today: a horizontal container, or tower, often cylindrical in shape a strengthened underground position in which missile systems are sited for protection against attack […]
GenX Think Tank: Employee Loyalty
Generation X has been fortunate to cross the chasm from the traditional view of work and careers to the quickly evolving workplace. It has come at a cost. This generation has learned to adjust, having graduated during the recession and experiencing multiple economic downturns within their lifetime. The introduction of technology during their early careers […]
Blended Generation Think Tank: Employer and Employee Loyalty
As we continue our series on the Future of Work, we bring together all generations to discuss employee loyalty. In an economy that is wrought with so much instability, workforce disengagement is at its highest levels at 70%, and companies are finding it increasingly difficult to retain top talent. Disengaged workers cost the economy $300 […]
Human Data: The Quest to Deliver Experience
In the past few months, I have met with a half a dozen big data companies. With each successive meeting, it becomes increasingly clear how the merits of information will transform the way companies look at customers, and slowly evolve processes to streamline, tightly target and create more efficient systems. In previous posts, I have talked about […]
Putting Customers First Enables Employee Collaboration
I have worked in silos… too many times. When I worked in the credit card industry, my department (Online Channels) supported all credit card products: House Cards, Premium Cards, Co-branded Cards. We drove individual and cross-sell campaigns many times at the request of the individual product manager. This process was wrought with message duplication ie […]
How Algorithms Perpetuate Discrimination and Why We Can’t Stop it
I’ve been fascinated lately by the targeting technology that exists today. As ARCOMPANY discovers more sophisticated ways to uncover human intent through online data, we welcome the increasing accuracy and speed that data enables business to make actionable decisions from real-time information. On the other side of the coin, we are also aware of the inherent dangers […]
Blended Generation Think Tank: What Makes a Happy and Productive Work Culture?
This Think Tank brings together GenX, GenY and Boomers to discuss the importance of work culture: what keeps them engaged and what keeps them loyal? Our Boomer Think Tank , Millennial Think Tank and GenX Think Tank have weighed in. The Definition of Work Culture via Wikipedia is: Culture is the character and personality of your organization. It’s […]
The Advertising Industry is on the Verge of Serious Disruption
I had lunch with a friend the other day; he spoke of the continuous frustrations felt by his client, one of the ad industry’s major advertising networks. The rise of social platforms, coupled with the increasing adoption of Programmatic, has directly impacted performance on the ad publishing side. While media buyers struggle to maintain relevance in […]
Are Businesses Ready for True Reinvention?
Lately, I’ve been consumed about the Future of Work. It seems to be the news of the day… every day. When we started ARCOMPANY a few years back the vision was to help companies realize the change that was happening in the market: how people are communicating differently and driving the discussion, how the increasing […]
Blended Gen Think Tank: Ageism, Racism and Sexism in the Workplace
As we round out the Think Tank series on Ageism, Racism, and Sexism in the Workplace, we brought together members of 3 generations to discuss their individual experiences. As we, at ARCOMPANY, continue to explore the Future of Work, these sensitive topics are a reality today. Have we truly progressed over time or do these […]